Stephen Bennett
Stephen has been working with computer hardware and software for over
12 years, including eight in the access and use of the Internet. He has
assisted in the development, production, and deployment of numerous
projects, providing application and training design, programming,
testing, and trouble-shooting. Stephen holds a Masters degree in
Instructional Technologies and a BS in Communications from Southern
Connecticut State University.
Joyce Gann
Joyce has a broad background in creating and managing training and
development programs, dealing with both internal and outside staff, and
working with US and international individuals and organizations. In
previous positions, she has been Project Manager for such projects as
R&D for the government, phone system installation and training
of personnel in its use, creation of procedure manuals, and setting up
new financial systems.
Together, C/R Solutions partners and staff bring over
100 years of instructional design and development experience to each
client engagement.
Copyright 2011
Christensen/Roberts Solutions